At Parklawn Tree Services, Health and Safety is our number one priority, but more than that, it is a value that we hold in the highest regard. The health and well-being of our clients, our staff, and members of the public who may be affected by our work is at the forefront of everything that we do.
To that end, our staff are regularly updated in their training and professional development to ensure that they are fully up to date with the latest industry best practice guidelines, and techniques, and we are constantly updating our equipment and machinery to ensure that we are prepared to approach any task in the safest manner possible.
Our safety management system includes a rigorous inspection and documentation schedule of all tools and equipment, to ensure that all equipment out on site is in good, serviceable condition.
We are currently members of NISO (National Irish Safety Organisation), and are in the process of attaining ISO/OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health & Safety accreditation for our safety management system. Safety is something that we view as a process rather than a goal, and we are continually working towards pushing our safety standards higher on an ongoing basis.